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  4. Character

ECOMI character

ECOMI, the character representing Korea Midland Power, was born for friendly face-to-face communication with the people as a governmentowned enterprise that only exists because of the people.

ECOMI, a messenger that spreads "happy energy," plays a role of spreading green energy to the future and to the world in a battle against greenhouse gases as well as ‘environmental pollution’ and ‘energy waste.’

Basic Operations Applied

Applied Character, Welcome


Applied Character, Good Bye

Good Bye

Applied Character, Love You

Love You

Applied Character, Best (Top)

The best

Applied Character, Sorry


Applied Character, Congratulations


Applied Character, Keep it up

Keep it up

Applied Character, Thank you

Thank you

Applied Character, OK


Applied Character, Safety First

Safety First

Safety Komipo character

"Safety Komipo” was born out of the commitment of the employees to protect the environment and safety as Korea’s leading government-owned energy enterprise.

"Safety Komipo" is a safety hero who protects the safety of all power plants to ensure that the people of Korea are supplied with electricity without any concerns.

Basic Operations Applied

Applied Character, Joy


Applied Character, Love You

Love You

Applied Character, Best (Top)

The Best

Applied Character, Shy


Applied Character, Keep it up

Keep it up

ECOMI and Safety Komipo characters

Applied Character,  Arms around each other’s shoulders

Arms around each other’s shoulders

Applied Character,  Safety first

Safety first

Applied Character,  Greetings


Applied Character,  The best

The best

Applied Character,  Keep it up

Keep it up

Applied Character,  Welcome


Applied Character,  Mutual growth

Mutual growth

Applied Character,  Applied type

Applied type