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The Operation of Themal Power Plants

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  4. The Operation of Themal Power Plants

Stable Supply of High-Quality Electric Power is KOMIPO's Main Mission.

KOMIPO, which has the stable supply of high-quality electric power as its main mission, is contributing to the enhancement of national competitiveness by establishing highly-advanced facility management and preventive maintenance systems and supplying electric power, the nation's lifeblood, stably. Also, in preparation for fires and force majeure like natural disasters, KOMIPO is implementing training for all employees to deal with safety accidents thoroughly.

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KOMIPO's Occupancy Rate by Energy Source (based on 2016)
Bituminous Coal 47.95%, LNG43.07%, Anthracite Cpal4.79%, Oil3.42%, New&Renewable Energy0.77%
KOMIPO's Electric Power Production Ratio by Energy Source (based on 2016)
Bituminous Coal 69.13%, LNG22.01%, Anthracite Cpal6.14%, Oil2.5%, New&Renewable Energy0.21%

Status of Facilities


Status of Facilities

Category, Facility Capacity(MW), Year of Completion, Lifespan, Fuel Source

Category Facility Capacity(MW) Year of Completion Lifespan Fuel Source
Total 8,092.358 (74 Units)
Boryeong Power Generation Site Division No. 1 Power Plant 500×2 Dec. '83 (#1) 30 Yrs. Bituminous Coal
Sept. '84 (#2) Bituminous Coal
No. 2 Power Plant 500×4 Apr. '93 (#3) 30 Yrs. Bituminous Coal
Jun. '93 (#4) Bituminous Coal
Dec. '93 (#5) Bituminous Coal
Apr. '94 (#6) Bituminous Coal
No. 3 Power Plant 500×2 Jun. '08 (#7) 30 Yrs. Bituminous Coal
Dec. '08 (#8) Bituminous Coal
Combined Cycle Power Plant 150×6
(Gas Turbine)
Jul. '97 (#1-4) 30 Yrs. LNG
Aug. '97 (#5-6) LNG
(Steam Turbine)
May. ’02 (ST#2) LNG
Jul. '02 (ST#1) -
Aug. '02 (ST#3) -
PV Power Plant 0.525 Apr. '08 25 Yrs. -
0.0462 Apr. '09 25 Yrs. -
No. 1 Small Hydropower 1.25×4 Jul. '09 30 Yrs. -
No. 2 Small Hydropower 1.25×2 Jun. '08 30 Yrs. -
Fuel Cell Power Plant 0.3 Sept. '08 20 Yrs. LNG
Sub Total 5,358.371 (26 Units)
Shin-Boryeong Construction Site Division PV Power Plant 2.903×1 Jun. '16 25 Yrs. -
Small Hydropower 2.5×2 commissioning 30 Yrs. -
Sub Total 7.903 (3 Units)
Incheon Power Generation Site Division Combined Cycle Power Plant 160.729×2 Jul. '05 (GT#1,2) 30 Yrs. LNG
182.081×1 Jul. '05 (ST#1)
163.979×2 Jun. '09 (GT#3,4)
180.95×1 Jun. '09 (ST#2)
150×3 Dec. '12 (GT#5,6)
Dec. '12 (ST#3)
PV Power Plant 0.304×1 Dec. '11 25 Yrs. -
Sub Total 1,462.751 (10 Units)
Seoul Construction Site Division PV Power Plant 1.301×1 Aug. '11 25 Yrs.  
Seocheon Power Generation Site Division Steam Power Plant 200×2 Mar. '83 (#1) 30 Yrs. Anthracite Coal+Bituminous Coal+Heavy Oil (mixed)
Dec. '83 (#2)
PV Power Plant 1.2×1 Jan. '08 (#1) 25 Yrs. -
0.03×1 Feb. '08 (#2)
Sub Total 401.23 (4 Units)
Jeju Power Generation Site Division Steam Power Plant 75×2 Mar. '00 (#2) 30 Yrs. Heavy Oil
Dec. '00 (#3)
GT 55×1 Jun. '94 30 Yrs. Light Oil
Intermal Combustion Power Plant 40×2 Jun. '05 (#1) 25 Yrs. Heavy Oil
Jun. '09 (#2)
PV Power Plant 0.05×1 Feb. '08 25 Yrs. -
1.087×1 May. '12 25 Yrs.
1.206×1 Jan. '14 20 Yrs.
SangMyung Wind Power Plant 3×7 Aug. ’16 25 Yrs. -
Sub Total 308.343 (15 Units)
Sejong Power Generation Site Division Combined Cycle Power Plant 167.10×2 Nov. '13 (GT#1,2) 30 Yrs. LNG
196.24×1 Nov. '13 (ST#1)
Maebongsan Wind Power Plant 0.85×8 Dec. '04 (#1-2) 25 Yrs. -
Aug. '05 (#3-5)
Nov. '06 (#6-8)
Sub Total 537.241 (11 Units)
Wonju Steam Supply and Power Plant 10×1 May. '15 (#1) 30 Yrs. SRF
Sub Total 10 (1 Units)
Yangyang Wind Power Plant 1.5×2 Jun. '06 (#1,2) 20 Yrs. -
Yeosu EXPO PV Power Plant 2.218×1 Mar. '12 25 Yrs. -

Bituminous Coal

  • Boryeong Bituminous coal-fired thermal power plants panoramic Photo

    The energy source used most after nuclear power in the production of electricity in Korea

    Bituminous coal-fired thermal power plants, KOMIPO's mainstay power plants, are the energy source used most, following nuclear power, to produce electricity in Korea. Bituminous coal has the most reserves among the different types of coal and an advantage in ease of combustion. KOMIPO imports bituminous coal from Australia, Indonesia, Russia, etc.

    Related Power Plants
    Boryeong Power Generation Site Division #1~#8, Shin-Boryeong TPP #1 & #2 (under construction)

Anthracite Coal

  • Seocheon Anthracite Coal thermal power plants panoramic Photo

    A coal that is easy to carbonize and combusts without producing smoke.

    Using anthracite coal, a coal that achieves the highest rate of carbonization, KOMIPO contributes to the saving of foreign exchange in operating the Seocheon Power Generation Site Division using domestic anthracite coal. With advances in power plant operating technologies, KOMIPO recently has been producing electric power with the mixed combustion of anthracite coal, bituminous coal, heavy oil, etc. Through its efforts, the company has achieved dramatic cost savings and lowered the unit cost of electric power production, which had been higher compared with anthracite coal.

    Related Power Plants
    Seocheon Power Generation Site Division #1 & #2

LNG Combined Cycle

  • Boryeong LNG Combined Cycle power plants panoramic Photo

    LNG combined cycle power plants (CCPP) account for the highest ratio, after bituminous coal-fired power plants, at KOMIPO

    LNG combined cycle power plants (CCPP) account for the highest ratio, after bituminous coal-fired power plants, at KOMIPO in terms of facility occupancy rate and electric power production. They produce electric power first by rotating a gas turbine with high-temperature, high-pressure steam through LNG combustion and produce high-temperature steam with the exhaust gas that comes from this process, then passing the steam through the steam turbine to produce more electric power. As it produces electric power twice with a one-time combustion of fuel, the CCPP is a power plant that has comparatively high heat efficiency and productivity. In particular, compared with nuclear power plants and bituminous coal-fired power plants, its operating period is short (30 minutes ~ 1 hour compared with nuclear power: 24 hours, bituminous coal-fired power: 4 hours), so it is a high-function power plant capable of responding to rapid electricity production and electric power demand.

    Related Power Plants
    Boryeong CCPP #1~#3, Incheon CCPP #1~#3, Sejong Power Generation Site Division, Seoul CCPP #1 & #2 (under construction)

Fuel, Diesel

  • Jeju Fuel, Diesel power plants panoramic Photo

    KOMIPO operates oil-fired power plants having the highest stability when storing the fuel.

    Jeju, Korea's largest island and also a growing tourism destination, has many restrictive conditions on the introduction of fuels due to its geographical features and industrial characteristics. At present, on Jeju, only operation of oil-fired power plants with fuel easy to store and high stability is permitted, so KOMIPO is operating thermal power plants using Fuel and Diesel.

    Related Power Plants
    Jeju Internal Combustion Power Plant #1 & #2, Jeju Steam Turbine Power Plant #2 & #3, Jeju Gas Turbine Power Plant Unit 3