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Power Plant Construction

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Continuous Construction of New Power Plants for Stable Supply of Electric Power

The average lifespan of a thermal power plant is, in general, 30 years. When this period elapses, its lifespan is extended through functional improvement work or the plant is decommissioned. Since its founding, KOMIPO has been creating future growth engines through construction of new power plants, including combined cycle, pumped storage, internal combustion, CHP (Combined Heat & Power), small hydropower, wind power, PV, etc.

Construction History Since KOMIPO's Founding (Apr. 2001 ~ )


Construction History Since KOMIPO's Founding (Apr. 2001 ~ )

Power Plant Name, Total Facility Capacity, Construction Period

Power Plant Name Total Facility Capacity Construction Period
Boryeong Power Generation Site Division 1,800MW Apr. 1996 ~ Aug. 2002
Yangyang Pumped Storage Power Plant 1,000MW Sept. 1996 ~ Aug. 2006
Incheon CCPP #1 503.5MW Apr. 2003 ~ June 2005
Jeju Internal Combustion #1 40MW June 2004 ~ June 2005
Yangyang Small Hydropower 1.4MW Sept. 2004 ~ Apr. 2005
Boryeong TPP #7 & #8 1,000MW Mar. 2005 ~ Dec. 2008
Yangyang Wind Power 3MW June 2005 ~ June 2006
Boryeong Small Hydropower 7.5MW Mar. 2007 ~ July 2009
Incheon CCPP #2 508.9MW Apr. 2007 ~ June 2009
Jeju Internal Combustion #2 40MW Apr. 2008 ~ June 2009
Incheon CCPP #3 450MW Sept. 2010 ~ Dec. 2012
Sejong Power Generation Site Division 530MW + 391Gcal/h Oct. 2011 ~ Nov. 2013
Wonju Green CHP 10MW Mar. 2012 ~ May. 2015
Jeju Sangmyung Wind Power 21MW May 2015 ~ Aug. 2016
Shin-Boryeong TPP #1 & #2 2,000MW Dec. 2011 ~ Sept. 2017
Jeju LNG CCPP 240MW May. 2016 ~ Oct. 2018
Seoul CCPP #1 & #2 800MW June. 2013 ~ Nov. 2019
Shin-Seocheon TPP 1,000MW June. 2016 ~ June. 2021

Construction Status (as of Jan. 2017)

Shin-Boryeong TPP #1 & #2

Front view of Shin-Boryeong TPP #1 & #2 panoramic photo

Project Overview

With construction commenced in the Songak-do area, Jugyo-myeon, Boryeong City, Chungnam Province, in November 2011, Shin-Boryeong TPP Plant, with a total capacity of 2,000MW (1,000MW x 2 units), is an ultra-supercritical (USC) bituminous coal-fired thermal power plant. Construction of the plant, the first and the largest-scale among domestic thermal power plants, is a verification project for localization of a 1,000MW USC power generation facility boasting the world's top functions, which is scheduled for completion in June 2017.


Shin-Boryeong TPP #1 & #2 Project Overview

Construction Period, Person in Charge, Facility Type, Capacity, Contractors

Construction Period Nov. 2011 ~ June 2017 (68 months) Person in Charge Seo Young-Chan, Deputy General Manager of Construction Planning Office (Tel: 075-7511-1412)
Facility Type Coal-fired, USC Capacity 2,000MW (1,000MW x 2 units)
Contractors KEPCO Engineering (design), Doosan Heavy Ind. (main equipment), Kumho Industrial/Sambu Const./Dowon E&C (civil engineering & construction), GS E&C/Doosan Heavy Ind./Dowon E&C/Wooseok Const. (mechanical & electrical), Sambu Const./Seolim Const./Taesung Const. (harbor facilities)

Seoul CCPP #1 & #2

Front view of Seoul CCPP #1 & #2 panoramic photo

Project Overview

The Seoul TPP, which was the first-ever thermal power plant in Korea, is preparing another grand transformation. An 800MW-class large-scale combined cycle power plant is being built underground in an urban center for the first time in the world. On the ground above the plant, a city regeneration park linked to the Han riverside will be constructed to become a resting place for citizens. Also, the existing Seoul TPP #4 & #5 building is planned for rebirth into a 'Culture Creation Power Plant,' a hub-center for culture and arts utilizing industrial heritage after rent-free leasing it to the Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism. Of particular note, in June 2016, the 'Underground Generation Facility' was featured at the Korea Invention Patent Exhibition organized by the Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) and was honored with the Silver Prize.


Seoul CCPP #1 & #2 Project Overview

Construction Period, Person in Charge, Facility Type, Capacity, Contractors

Construction Period June 2013 ~ Nov. 2018 (66 months) Person in Charge Han Dong-Yoon, Deputy General Manager of Construction Planning Office (Tel: 070-7511-1415)
Facility Type Gas turbine-steam turbine combined cycle generation Capacity 800MW (400MW x 2 units)
Contractors KEPCO Engineering (design), Doosan Heavy Ind. (main equipment), POSCO E&C/Keangnam Enterprises/Sambu Const./Yooho Development (civil engineering & construction), Lotte E&C/Poonglim Industrial/eTEC E&C/Heungjin Const. (mechanical & electrical)

Shin-Seocheon TPP

Front view of Shin-Seocheon TPP panoramic photo

Project Overview

With construction commenced in the Maryang-ri area, Seo-myeon, Seocheon-gun, Chungnam Province in November 2015, Shin-Seocheon TPP is a bituminous coal-fired USC thermal power plant having a total capacity of 1,000MW. Designed to overcome the end of lifespan of the existing Seocheon TPP and weakening competitiveness caused by the use of low-calorie anthracite coal, this power plant is expected to contribute to the stable supply of electric power owing to introduction of the latest eco-friendly facilities. It is scheduled for completion in September 2019.


Shin-Seocheon TPP Project Overview

Construction Period, Person in Charge, Facility Type, Capacity, Contractors

Construction Period June 2016 ~ Sept. 2019 (40 months) Person in Charge Kang Nam-Koo, Deputy General Manager of Construction Planning Office (Tel: 070-7511-1413)
Facility Type Coal-fired, USC Capacity 1,000MW (1,000MW x 1 unit)
Contractors KEPCO Engineering (design), MHPS (boiler), Doosan Heavy Ind. (turbine), Hanwha E&C/Taehwa Const./Bumyang Const. (civil engineering & construction)


Front view of Jeju LNG CCPP panoramic photo

Project Overview

The Jeju Power Generation Site Division is building a 240MW-scale LNG combined cycle power plant, the first one on Jeju Island, where power plants have been operated with heavy oil and light oil since LNG supply to the province have thus far been impossible. With construction commenced in 2016, this power plant, when completed in June 2018, is expected to contribute significantly to enhancing the self-reliance level of the Jeju region and realizing the envisioned carbon-free island.


Jeju LNG CCPP Project Overview

Construction Period, Person in Charge, Facility Type, Capacity, Contractors

Construction Period May 2016 ~ June 2018 (26 months) Person in Charge Hwang Jin-Seung, Deputy General Manager of Construction Planning Office (Tel: 070-7511-1411)
Facility Type Gas turbine-steam turbine combined cycle generation Capacity 240MW class
Contractors KEPCO Engineering (design), GE (main equipment), Doosan Heavy Ind./Shinhwa Const./Dongjin Const. (construction)