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Leading Eco-Friendly Enterprise : KOMIPO

As a leading eco-friendly enterprise, KOMIPO is actively promoting the overseas advance of new & renewable energy businesses, along with export of thermal power plants, the main business for thermal power generation.

Wampu Hydropower Plant in Indonesia

Project Overview

Construction & operation of the Wampu Hydropower Plant located in the northern region of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, is a project to supply electric power to the Indonesian state-run power company, PT. PLN, for 30 years after completion of the power plant with a capacity of 45MW (15MW x 3 units). The Wampu Hydropower Plant is a dam and waterway-type eco-friendly generation project that produces electricity after constructing a separate waterway that does not completely block the main waterway unlike existing hydropower plants in the country.

In addition to electricity sales income, KOMIPO secured an annual 240,000 tons worth of CER, as the first such practice among the overseas advance of domestic companies, and received the Indonesian government's payment guarantee for the contract period. In February 2012, a financing contract was concluded with the Korea Eximbank and the plant's commercial operation started in April 2016. It is significant that KOMIPO achieved the first commercial operation of an overseas hydropower generation business among domestic power companies.

Wampu Hydropower Plant in Indonesia panoramic Photo
Completion ceremony group photo
Wampu Hydropower Plant in Indonesia Project Overview

Project Period, Participating Companies, Project Type, Content of Service, Project Owner

Project Period
  • July 2012 ~ April 2016 (construction)

  • April 2016 ~ April 2046 (30 years after completion)

Participating Companies KOMIPO, POSCO Engineering, PT. MPM
Project Type BOO(Build, Own, and Operate)
Content of Service
  • Financing, technical service

  • EPC management, commissioning, power plant O&M

Project Owner Indonesia's state-run electricity company (PT. PLN)

Tanggamus Hydropower Plant in Indonesia

Project Overview

Tanggamus Hydropower Plant is a project to construct and operate a hydropower plant with a facility capacity of 55.4MW (27.7MW x 2 units) located in Tanggamus County, State of Lampung, Sumatra Island, with a total investment of US$190 million. As a follow-on project of the Wampu Hydropower Plant presently in commercial operation, KOMIPO will supply an annual heat generation volume of 278.9GWh over 30 years after completion on September 2017. With its dam designed as an intermittent current type, the power plant is characterized as easy to build and its environmental impact also is lower than existing low-head (저류식) dams.

A financial supply contract was concluded with Korea Eximbank and main construction work was commenced in February 2015 for commercial operation to start in September 2017. This eco-friendly power plant is expected to generate annual profits under the Indonesian government's payment guarantee and secure an annual 200,000 tons worth of CER while contributing significantly to resolving the electric power shortage of the State of Lampung.

Tanggamus Hydropower Plant in Indonesia panoramic Photo
Tanggamus Hydropower Plant in Indonesia Project Overview

Project Period, Participating Companies, Project Type, Content of Service, Project Owner

Project Period
  • Feb. 2015 ~ 2017 (construction)
  • O&M: 30 years after completion
Participating Companies KOMIPO, POSCO Engineering, PT. BS Energy, PT. Nusantara Hydro Alam, Korea Eximbank (financial investor)
Project Type BOO(Build, Own, and Operate)
Content of Service
  • Financing, technical service

  • EPC management and O&M

Project Owner Indonesia's state-run electricity company (PT. PLN)

PV Power Plant in Boulder City, USA

Project Overview

For this project to build and operate a PV power plant in Boulder City, Nevada, USA, with an estimated project cost of US$500 million, KOMIPO completed conclusion of PPA contracts with NV Energy, an electricity company in the State of Nevada, for 100MW and 50MW each in June and December 2015, respectively. Construction work of the power plant was commenced in full swing at the end of December 2015 and completed in December 2016 for 100MW and in January 2017 for 50MW.

Meanwhile, KOMIPO is exerting efforts for conclusion of PPAs for remaining capacities, including participation in an additional 125MW PPA of SEC, an electricity company in California, as a participant in the PPA tender of NV Energy.

By successfully promoting its advance into the U.S. PV market, emerging as the world's largest new & renewable energy market, KOMIPO has prepared the foundation to grow into a global energy company. Also, through advance into the electric power markets of advanced countries, KOMIPO is accumulating business development and business management knowhow and expects to be equipped with the momentum for follow-on projects through development of PV businesses and securing of construction records.

PV Power Plant Project in Boulder City, USA panoramic Photo
PV Power Plant Project in Boulder City, USA Project Overview

Project Period, Participating Companies, Project Type, Capacity & Fuel, Project Location

Project Period 20 years after completion (construction period separate)
Participating Companies KOMIPO, SunPower (U.S. joint developer)
Project Type BOO (Build, Own, Operate)
Capacity & Fuel 275MW (Single Axis Tracker method)
Project Location Dry Lake Bed South Site, Boulder City, Nevada, USA